Sunday, May 31, 2009

4 Days!

You might wonder what 4 days is all about? Well 4 days until I get to fly to Oregon and see the fam. So I'm pretty stoked about that. Nothing too exciting has happened since I last wrote. I finished both my Post Production and Career Communications classes... so it's nice to be done with that. I'm helping some friends on a shoot tomorrow, so we will see how that goes. I'm just a grip on it, so I will just be helping wherever necessary.

So I was reading in the news today how a late term abortion doctor was shot and killed in his church. Now I don't condone abortion by any means, however don't you think this is a bit ridiculous? Where is the logic in killing someone because you believe he is killing innocent children? There is no logic. You are performing the same act you are supposedly against by doing this? What a twisted world we live in.

On a better note, me and a couple friends (Andrew, and Brian) have been going around a lot lately and photographing a lot of different things. Its been a blast, and I've really been enjoying it. Film is so much more fun than digital, and much more exciting in my opinion. Here's a couple pics I've taken so far, enjoy!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

lions, tigers, and bears, OH MY!

So it's been a while since I've wrote on here....

Nothing too exciting has been going on lately. Just busy with school, and been enjoying an easy month of classes. It's been raining constantly over the past week, which has been not so exciting. It was cool the first couple days, then it starts to get really old. Especially when you want to go outside and do stuff i.e. basketball, tennis, longboarding, etc. We finally have some sunshine now though, which is nice after the week of darkness. I got myself a new film camera, and guitar. Both of which are pretty exciting. Except the fact my guitar came with a broken string... which is not that cool. The Nuggets are tied with the Lakers right now at 2-2. So let's hope they can win the series, and head to their first NBA Finals! Also, the French Open started on Sunday and it's kind of a bummer I can't be watching it.

Well I fly into Portland next Thursday (a week and 2 days) and I'm looking forward to that. Spend a few days there and see some of the fam I haven't seen in a while. Then we will drive back to Idaho where I will be spending the month of June while I'm in my online classes. This will be the longest period of being home since I moved to Florida last January. So that will be nice to have some time to spend with the fam/friends. That's all I have for now. Peace out!

Friday, May 8, 2009

What UP!

Alright, so I've been computer-less for a little over 3 weeks now... pretty lame! I dropped water on it while in the Virgin Islands (not reccommended!) and that's my excuse for not writing for so long. I went to the Virgin Islands from April 11-20 to see my friend Austin and enjoy a week on the beautiful island. To be honest, it was probably the best week of my life. I've never seen such beauty before. The water was so crystal clear, it didn't even seem real! I went snorkeling a few times, and saw a couple Caribbean Reef Sharks, some sting rays, all sorts of crazy fish, and we even rode some sea turtles (which is illegal btw, but sue us). We went on a private charter to the British Virgin Islands, and went to an amazing place on Virgin Gorda called The Baths. It was breathtaking to say the least. We also spent some time in a place called Jost van Dyke, and it was also very beautiful. As you can tell, we had way too much fun... and I was not ready to come back to Florida.

But I'm back in Florida now. We shot our 16mm project a few weeks ago which I was AD (assistant director) on. It was very stressful, and so much fun. I'm glad it's over now though. We are now in two new classes which are Editing, and Career Communications. Editing is ok, because we get to edit our 16mm projects... but the lectures are extremely boring. And Career Communications is a complete joke, so no need to even talk about that waste of time.

I come home next month, which I am very excited for. I have a couple of online classes that month, and since they are online there is really no need for me to stay here in Florida. So I will enjoy the month back at home. I also graduate here in about 6 months, which I am really looking forward to! That's really all I got for now... I'll keep you posted.