Sunday, January 25, 2009


So I've been sick the past couple days... it sucks. On a brighter note, here's some pictures from our shoot yesterday.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

ha so I'm already off to a bad start! its been over 2 weeks since I last posted on of these... but to tell you the truth, nothing really exciting has happened. I've been busy with my HD Production class, and we shoot our show next week. It's some dumb variety show, with a photographer, dancers, a band, and a fashion person or something. I guess we are interviewing them and stuff and they are performing for us/showing their work. It wasn't my idea, but whatever. I'm going to be the audio engineer on the project, so I will be running the audio board. It's going to remind me of my high school days in Prok ;) The weather has been a little chilly the past few days but nothing too bad. Chilly here is WARM back at home ;) Less than 10 months left of school! wooohooo! can't wait! I think this graduation won't be as cool as High School, but I don't care. Cuz I'm probably gonna be more excited knowing I'm COMPLETELY done with school after that. I'm hoping my family is able to come down for my graduation... well that's all for now. Take care.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!!!! It's crazy how fast 2008 went by! Only 10 more months left of school :)

I've been enjoying spending the past 2 weeks at home during Christmas and New Years. I leave back to Orlando on Sunday, and the only thing inspiring me to go back is knowing I'll be completely done in October... oh and the warm weather is always a bonus! ;)

I've seen a bunch of people I haven't seen in years, and I've spent a lot of time with family. It has been very refreshing. My dad and I did a tennis tournament, and won every match we played. That was pretty cool too!

New Years Resolution:

1. Write on my blog more often! haha